Thursday 19 September 2013

From Mont St. Sauveur to Bangkok

I have been completely M.I.A....I feel I have been missing in action in so many ways.  My brain is having a hard time keeping up with all that is going on, especially with the continued sleep deprivation (I am hoping we can sleep train this week and I will start sleeping better!).  So here is what has been going on.  My 20 month old was out of day care for three weeks (which kept me very busy) so we took a trip with our good friends and their daughter who is the same age as my son to Mont St. Sauveur.  We rented a log home cottage on Fiddler Lake in Fiddler Lake Resort.  It was beautiful and relaxing.  I just wish the weather was nicer so that we could have enjoyed the outdoor pool and really felt like we were on vacation.

Here are a few pictures of the resort.

Via Fiddler Lake Resort
Via Fiddler Lake Resort

Via Fiddler Lake Resort

Truly a beautiful location to rent in the summer and winter with family or friends.

For the big news, after coming back from Mont St. Sauveur my husband confirmed he is going to Bangkok for a few months for work and that we will be joining him for part of his trip for a few months as well.  Yes, Bangkok, Thailand...with two babies!  So you can imagine the planning going on in my head.  I have to think of purchasing and packing essentials for all.  We travel quite a bit but this is the most adventurous trip we have taken, especially considering the little ones will be with us.  I have made several lists but getting things done has been challenging.  As you can imagine, it is the worst time of year to shop for summer clothing and swimwear.  Even online stores seem to have a limited selection, if any. So my search continues.  In addition to the shopping and packing, I really would like to familiarize myself with the city and the country and the region.  I have never been to Asia.  Tonight I started reading a bit on Frommers (Frommers is a great site for travel itineraries and information - we always consult the suggested day trip itineraries for each of our trips) and today I purchased this guide book on Thailand.

Via Indigo
I still enjoy paper format reading more than electronic.  I can mark relevant pages and take the book with me on the trip. I hope I can be done with the shopping very soon so I can start planning the fun stuff ... what we will be doing and seeing once we make it to Thailand!!!

So all in all please be patient with me, although I have blogging on my mind daily, I may not have the time to write much in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

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