I thought I'd share two new activities I tried with my son over the week-end. I'm trying to find things we can do in the house when the weather's not so great or when we just need to cool down from being out in the sun. This week-end we tried creating our own
ice/water world and
paint in a Ziplock bag. The first was a great success and my son even requested it again the past few days..whereas the second was a big old FAIL. You win some, you lose some :).
I just started following these blogs and I really like the
Pre-school play one. It's full of great ideas.
Here are a couple pics of our experiment. I apologize for the poor photo quality...Momma's phone's been dropped one too many times. I'm hoping for a brand new Iphone5 in the coming weeks and will definitely have better photos then!
Water/Ice improvised play a success in our home!
Ziplock painting not very successful in our home :( |
Ziplock painting not very successful in our home :( |
It's amazing what can keep our little one's busy. Keep in mind my son will be 3 years old next month so these activities are definitely aimed at toddlers. I think he would have enjoyed the paint in Ziplock bag activity about a year ago but now that he's used to real painting he just could not understand why I would not let him open the Ziplock and let him paint with a paint brush :)...
For the water/ice play I did not have some of the items she had so I just used what we did have: Plastic frogs and turtles (today we added his small Megablocks plastic animals), rocks I had left over from a flower arrangement, fake boulders from his train set, ice cubes and a little food colouring in the water. Throw it all in a large pyrex and you're good to go! Icebergs, rock mountains and animals all come alive!
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